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Thesis Defense – Mustafa Derman (MSME)
Mustafa Derman – M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering
Asst. Prof. Barkan Uğurlu – Advisor
Date: 23.05.2023
Time: 10.00
Location: AB4-428
“Design, Development and Force Control Implementation for a
Wearable Exoskeleton with High Power-to-Weight Ratio”
Asst. Prof. Barkan Uğurlu, Özyeğin University
Asst. Prof. Özkan Bebek, Özyeğin University
Asst. Prof. Yeşim Öniz, İstanbul Bilgi University
Physical rehabilitation has a crucial role in the recovery and preservation of physical function, mobility, and overall health after an injury or disability. Exoskeletons can serve as useful tools in physical rehabilitation by providing a safe and controlled environment for patients to perform functional movements. This thesis proposes a design methodology and validation processes for a lower body exoskeleton with active hip, knee, and ankle joints. Four different designs were presented and qualitatively compared their joint range, torque controllability, weight, and wearability. Using a human-robot coupled simulation model, actuator torques and loading on mechanical links were obtained. The final design was evaluated in the MSC Adams environment concerning two different dynamic motions. Subsequently, the exoskeleton was manufactured and assembled after the final design was verified. To verify the locomotion methods, a robot model constrained in the sagittal plane was created using the RaiSim simulator. The dynamic model of the exoskeleton was calculated using the Lagrangian method, and CTC was also applied. Various controller methods were implemented to validate the exoskeleton and the SEAs, and their position-tracking performances were compared. Furthermore, the torque controllability of the actuator was verified.
Mustafa Derman attended the Özyeğin University, where he has a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2020. After graduation, he started his Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering at Özyeğin University, and he has been a member of the Biomechatronics Laboratory since then. His research interests are in robotics, human-robot interaction, soft robotics, analysis, and control implementations.