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Dissertation Defense – Hasan Tahsin Toplar (PHDEE)
Hasan Tahsin Toplar – Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronics
Prof. Murat Uysal – Advisor
Date: 26.12.2024
Time: 15.00
Location: AB1 407
“Experimental Evaluation of Terrestrial, Underwater and Aerial FSO Systems with Pointing Errors”
Prof. Murat Uysal, Özyeğin University
Asst. Prof. Kadir Durak, Özyeğin University
Asst. Prof. Tahsin Yılmaz, Yeniyüzyıl University
Asst. Prof. Çağatay Edemen, Özyeğin University
Prof. Serhan Yarkan, Istanbul Ticaret University
With their high data rate capacity, free space optical (FSO) communication systems can be used for last mile access, backhauling and fiber optic replacement. Terrestrial FSO links are typically installed on building roofs and are prone to building sways due to dynamic wind loads. In underwater applications FSO systems can be installed on unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV), sea floor beacons or buoys, some of which are affected by waves, currents and motion of the sea surface. In aerial systems FSO can be housed on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) which also face the effects of wind during flight.
Motivated by these trends, we work on developing realistic models for analyzing the behavior and effects of pointing error in FSO systems. We first design and build a 5 degree of freedom (DOF) motion table in order to experimentally generate pointing errors and study its effects. We then work on a realistic modeling of pointing errors in terrestrial FSO links, relating them to the underlying physical phenomena. Towards this end, we use a civil engineering software and conduct extensive simulations to characterize the behavior of various building sizes under wind loads. Secondly we model a marine FSO systems and study its pointing error behavior in the presence of waves. Thirdly we perform a similar study on the motion behavior of a quadcopter UAV, and the effect of wind on the FSO pointing error during hovering.
This study aims to deliver a deeper understanding of FSO systems and fills the gap by providing more realistic models to analyze FSO behavior in the presence of pointing errors.
Hasan Tahsin Toplar has received his B.Sc. (Hons.) degree in Mechatronics Engineering (Co-op) and M.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, in 2009 and 2012. In 2017 he joined Özyeğin University, Istanbul, Turkey to pursue his Ph.D. under the supervision of Professor Murat Uysal in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Faculty. His research is in the field of Wireless Optical Communication systems, primarily focusing of Free Space Optical systems.
He has over 15 years of work experience both in Canada and Turkey. In Canada he worked at Oz Optics in Ottawa-Ontario, at NCR Ltd. in Waterloo-Ontario, at Nuvation Engineering in Waterloo-Ontario and in Mechatronics Vehicles Laboratory of the University of Waterloo as a researcher under the supervision of Prof. Amir Khajepour, Tier-1 Research Chair in Mechatronics Vehicle Systems in Canada. In Turkey he has been running his own consulting company, Activity Network A.Ş., and providing clients with custom built machinery, software and Industry 4.0/5.0 needs.
He has also been a part-time lecturer at Özyeğin University.