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Thesis Defense - Semanur Sancar (MSEE)
Semanur Sancar – M.Sc. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Asst. Prof. Göktürk Poyrazoğlu – Advisor
Date: 20.05.2022
Time: 11:00-12:00
Location: AB1 412
Modeling Battery Sizing Optimization Algorithms for Various Use Cases
Thesis Committee:
Asst. Prof. Göktürk Poyrazoğlu, Özyeğin University
Asst. Prof. Elvin Çoban Göktürk, Özyeğin University
Prof. Ozan Erdinç, Yildiz Technical University
Battery energy storage systems (BESS) increase energy controllability and grid flexibility. One of the most important issues in BESS investments is optimal BESS sizing for various needs. In this thesis, it is aimed to develop an optimal battery sizing methodology for the consumer, producer and prosumer. By using Mixed-Integer Linear Programming and Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programming methods, optimal battery sizing algorithms that can be used by all end-user types for different purposes were developed. The advantage of this mathematical modeling is that it can be adapted for different scenario constraints with minor modifications. Various estimation algorithms were used to get more realistic results from the optimization algorithms for the future. Artificial neural network (ANN), deep neural network (DNN), and Long-Short Term Memory models were used to predict generation, consumption, and electricity market data. The importance of estimation algorithms in the smart grid ecosystem was emphasized and it was aimed to predict the needs for the future. Prediction methods and optimization algorithms were developed in the Python environment. Pandas, numpy, sklearn, keras, cvxpy libraries were actively used. It is hoped that it will be beneficial for the investments to be made within the scope of the smart grid concept.
Semanur Sancar received a B.Sc. degree from Electrical Engineering, Yıldız Technical University. She started her M.Sc. degree in the Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department, Ozyegin University in September-2020. She was a Teaching Assistant in Energy Systems courses and Research Assistant in Grid Operations and Planning Laboratory at Ozyegin University during her master's degree. She was interested in the field of grid integration of renewable energy systems and electric vehicles, distribution system operations, and efficiency applications. She is currently working as a Machine Learning Engineer at Biletbank R&D Center and carries out projects on big data, machine learning, and deep learning algorithms