Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

- LEED Gold Certificate for the AB1 and SC buildings - February 2013 (Certificate-EB & Certificate-Student Centre)
- LEED Gold Certificate for the AB2 Building - August 2014 (Certificate-AB2)
- NEED4B Project-SCOLA- October 2014
- ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Standard - March 2014 (OzU ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Standard Certificate)
- ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Standard - March 2014 (OzU ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Standard Certificate)
- ISO 50001 Energy Management System Standard - March 2024 (OzU ISO 50001 Energy Management System Standard Certificate)
- Zero Waste Certificate -February 2020 (Sıfır Atık Belge .pdf)
LEED Certificate
LEED stands for “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design” and is the most widely used green building rating system in the world. In other words, LEED is a certificate of appreciation awarded to buildings that comply with the fundamental sustainability requirements in order to support the natural habitat without disturbing the ecosystem.
A performance score is generated based on the fulfilment of the LEED certification requirements. The Performance Score determines the level of LEED certification awarded. Performance Score and Certification Levels are as follows: LEED Certified (40-49), LEED Silver (50-59), LEED Gold (60-79), and LEED Platinum (80+). A minimum Performance Score of 40 must be achieved in order to receive the LEED certified status for all buildings. Özyeğin University has been awarded with the LEED GOLD certificate for its AB1, AB2, and SC buildings.
NEED4B Project
ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System Standard
Environmental Management System is a management system developed to systematically reduce, and where possible, to eliminate the environmental damages organizations have caused or may cause, and to create a more livable environment in the future.
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System:
- Minimizes waste.
- Reduces energy consumption.
- Makes it easier to obtain permits and licenses.
- Ensures compliance with national and international legal requirements.
- Facilitates accurate use of natural resources and thus reduces expenditures and increases efficiency.
- Analyzes potential threats and thus minimizes accidents and losses.
- Increases trust and commitment as it guarantees stakeholders that all activities are carried out in accordance with environmental obligations.
The ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Standard was obtained in 2014 ,and the requirements of this management system are duly fulfilled. The system’s functionality is regularly checked through periodic internal and external reviews, and our certificates are renewed every year. To that end, the University published its Environment Policy, which explains the institution’s policy toward the environment, as well as the Environmental Management Plan, which explains the institution’s practices, the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved, and relevant concepts. The University also published the .User Guidelines for Campus Energy and Water Resources, which explains in detail how to use on-campus energy and water resources in the most efficient way possible and key considerations to keep in mind for the protection of the environment. Meanwhile, the University’s approach to waste management and environmental responsibility is summarized in the Özyeğin University Waste Management Plan and Environmental Lifecycle documents.
ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Standard
ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System is a management system designed to eliminate or minimize the risks in the institution in the light of relevant legislations in order to create and manage a healthy and safe working/living environment.
ISO 45001 Management System:
- Minimizes occupational accidents and diseases, and prevents labor loss,
- Facilitates a better work environment and thus ensures employee satisfaction.
- Proves the institution’s commitment to occupational safety to the legal authorities,
- Offers competitive advantage by increasing the institution’s reputation.
- Prevents production delays or downtimes due to accidents or diseases; minimizes compensation, penalty, and indemnity amounts; and reduces operational costs.
- Enables potential reduction in downtime and associated costs.
- Ensures the systematic dissemination of occupational health and safety practices within the institution.
- Helps the institution demonstrate compliance with national and international laws and regulations on occupational health and safety.
The ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Standard was obtained in 2014, and the requirements of this management system are duly fulfilled. The system’s functionality is regularly checked through periodic internal and external reviews, and our certificates are renewed every year. To that end, the University set forth its institutional policies towards occupational health and safety in its Health & Safety and Emergency Response Policies. The Health & Safety and Emergency Response Plans explain the practices, roles and responsibilities, and relevant concepts.
Zero Waste Certificate
“Zero Waste” is a goal defined as waste management philosophy that entails preventing waste, using resources more efficiently, preventing or minimizing waste generation by reviewing its reasons, and collecting and recycling waste at source separately.
The “Zero Waste Certificate” refers to the certificate issued by the Ministry to local administrations which established zero waste systems, other places defined in ATTACHMENT-1 of the Rules and Regulations for Zero Waste, (The OzU campus and dormitories fall into this category), and those who established zero waste management system. The scope of the certificate is determined by the Ministry.The Zero Waste Certificate is awarded by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization.
Özyeğin University was the first university to receive the “Zero Waste Certificate” in Turkey on February 14, 2020.
The Zero Waste Certificate’s benefits for Özyeğin University:
- Having obtained the zero waste certificate within the scope of the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System which we are using will serve as a positive reference in HSE Management Systems reviews.
- With the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, the requirements of the Rules and Regulations for Zero Waste had been fulfilled to a large extent. This way, OzU was able to quickly apply for the basic level zero waste certificate. OzU currently has the necessary infrastructure to apply for the silver, gold, and platinum level certificates specified in the rules and regulations. With the support of management, and in particular, by increasing the active participation of all stakeholders in fulfilling the requirements of the University’s environmental policy and environmental management procedures, it is foreseen that the University may also apply for advance level certifications in the future.
- The Zero Waste Certificate brought OzU’s name to the fore for the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and relevant public bodies to the extent that OzU submitted a report to serve as a best practice example upon the request of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization.
ISO 50001 Energy Management System Standard
ISO 50001 is an international standard aimed at systematically addressing energy management. Developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), this standard assists businesses in managing energy more efficiently, sustainably, and effectively. ISO 50001 supports organizations in achieving the following goals:
- Energy efficiency,
- Savings,
- Environmental sustainability, and
- Cost control.