Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Consultancy and Audit Services
Consultancy and Audit Services
Consultancy and Audit Services
As per its Health & Safety and Environment Policy, Özyeğin University is dedicated to maintain the physical and psychological well-being, and occupational/life safety of all its stakeholders, including visitors, in particular its faculty, staff, and students. To this end, the University takes every necessary action, and provides all the necessary means as its mission and principle. In resource planning, Özyeğin University gives priority to preventing occupational and environmental accidents, averting health problems, and enhancing the safety of life and work environment. Özyeğin University is committed to complying with effective laws and regulations, and serving as a role model with its best practice examples. Hence, it is the primary responsibility of all managers to create and develop a mutual understanding, as well as shared beliefs, habits, and values pertaining to health, safety and environment among all stakeholders. To this end, a wide array of training sessions, seminars, events and similar other activities are organized to develop and promote the health and safety culture.
What does HSE Department do for you? (Consultancy and Audits)
The HSE Department provides guidance to all stakeholders and audits relevant processes.
To this end, the department has published the Health & Safety and Environment Plan, the Emergency Response Plan, and the Environmental Management Plan. These plans are regularly revised, updated, and improved.
The department also fills out the Safety and Environmental Observations and Recommendations Log, conducts risk assessments, takes action against and monitors the risks assessed.
Stakeholders are offered a wealth of information, training, and seminars, and participants are awarded certificates of participation and certificates of achievement. The department also establishes emergency response teams. The HSE department also offers the following mandatory and elective courses to students throughout the year in different sessions:
- General Principles of HSE,
- Waste Management,
- Traffic,
- Safe-Defensive Driving,
- First Aid,
- HSE Practices in Engineering,
- HSE Practices in Construction Sites,
- Addiction
For emergencies, the department is in charge of the development of emergency measure plans, emergency preparedness, post-emergency recovery and communication, assessment and improvement of the emergency response performance, and the development and execution of drill plans.
- The department also endeavors to prevent environmental accidents, reduce the consumption of natural resources, increase energy efficiency, minimize waste management and manage existing waste.
- Meanwhile, the department also regularly inspects and reports the performance of the University’s transportation, dining hall, and cleaning subcontractors.
- The safety-environmental performance of all on-campus maintenance-repair, renovation and construction works are monitored and periodically inspected by the department.
- The department determines and fulfills the need for on-campus signs and signage.
- Driving safety and parking sign and signage are placed in all on-campus parking facilities. The infrastructure of all on-campus parking facilities is continuously improved. The security staff provide active support to the department in ensuring compliance with sign and signage, and managing on-campus parking facilities.
- The HSE Department represents the University during the external audits carried out by the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Environment, and the BSI.
- The department takes measures against problems caused by ice and snow on the route to the campus due to winter weather, and keeps all campus/dormitory access roads clear of ice and snow.